Digital design for the cultural sector

HomeDigital design for the cultural sector

We build simple ecosystems with endless potential, which can guarantee both high maintenance and low running costs.

Multimedia and digital approaches, thought also for the culture.

We develop a multimedia and digital approach for the world of culture, to enhance the heritage and involve the public in more and more innovative and immersive experiences. Each project is tailor-made, considering the institution's peculiarities and needs. The goal is to enhance a personalized cultural experience, through a technology that allows a high level of fruition.

Soluzioni digitali musei


“La Carrara” APP for the Carrara Academy - Bergamo

"La Carrara" APP allows users to earn a greater knowledge of the collection and enriches the fruition of the home-visit by focusing on the experience. The app lavarages image recognition technologies and augmented reality developing an interactive and engaging experience, and changing the way of visiting the museum. By framing the art works with your smartphone or tablet, you will access information, curiosities, historical and artistic news - depending on your interests and the time at your disposal. Through the associated management system, the museum staff manages the art works data and tracks the users.

Territorial enhancement - Fortress Museum - Legnago (VR)

The preliminary project dedicated to the Fortress Museum in Legnago, is about the musealization of the Torrione and the underground archaeological area that holds the main ruins of the fortified walls. This APP is aimed to recover and enhance the historical memory of this area, allowing the visitor to interact with the multimedia exhibition and points of interest in the city. The focus of the project:
Gamification: to interact with the APP multimedia contents (quiz)
Exploration: to discover anecdotes and curiosities in the key places of the territory (located along the APP thematic routes).
Valorization: to redevelop city’s abandoned and forgotten areas, though rich in history.

The Cathedral Museum and Treasure Multimedia project - Bergamo

A multimedia project that tells the origins and history of the Church of Bergamo - from the Roman age to the Renaissance - showing the site construction phases - home to the paleochristian San Vincenzo Cathedral - among archaeological finds and artistic artifacts. Focus of the project development:
● A video: that shows the 3D reconstructions of the archaeological site development;
● A tactile model: designed for blind and visually impaired people, to make the place accessible to the largest audience possible;
● An app: which tells the historical and architectural stories of the place through gamification, exploring it all as participating in a treasure hunt.


Particles’ partner companies share training projects, technologic updates, communication resources and actions,
within an open project in constant growth. .

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